Blog-Bio_Pic-minThanks for visiting East India Blogging Co.! Let me introduce myself and the blog. I’m Jordan – a lover of history and writing trying to cut a path through the digital jungle. Why did I start a history blog? A simple Google search turns up so many great history blogs, but I couldn’t find any on the history of the Atlantic World. I started East India Blogging Co. out of my interest in and passion for the history of the Atlantic World. Topics like the history of the American Revolution, Nation Nations, and colonies have always fascinated me. The Atlantic World helps us understand how these factors came together to produce the world around us. It’s cool stuff!

So, this site is all about the history of colonialism, imperialism, and the Atlantic World. As a master’s student, I focused my research and course work on European, specifically French, imperialism and colonialism in the Americas. While I have a large interest in the French Atlantic, this blog will extend far beyond this specific thematic approach. Really, I’ll write about anything I find interesting and compelling from the Atlantic World. Whether that be Native American History, Early American History, or Leif Erickson

With all that said, this blog isn’t a dry collection of names, dates, and places. With a charming combination of sometimes sarcastic, sometimes scholarly, always 100% nerdy posts, East India Blogging Co. wants to put some spice into the world of history blogs! 

If you’re a history dork like me, or just looking for a way to kill that last of hour of work on Friday afternoons (don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about), I hope you find this blog to be a fun distraction, or, even better, a good read. If you do, make sure to follow East India Blogging Co. on Facebook and Twitter.

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